
Gavin Brown Enterprises

New York City

Taming an industrial building without stripping it of character is hard enough – but what about the brief when natural light comes into play?

Trends in art lighting come and go – to bridge the technical/exposed look of Tate Modern and so many other galleries while bringing in high performance accent and wallwash track lighting requires a dialog between the objects and their function.

Lighting is often not about light – in this case, the challenge was achieving a physical embodiment that was functional but sharp and defined. This was achieved through careful study of the heights and grids of products and how they sat together – virtual ceilings created from track, Unistrut and fluorescent strips.

A simple yet sophisticated level of design thinking brings together the infrastructure to create light for each artist specific to their needs.

Lighting is a craft sometimes, not art – and this is especially so when lighting art itself!